Hair Tip #3: How do you KEEP your color?


These photos were taken 3.5 weeks apart. One photo was taken right after we colored her hair and the other photo was taken after she came in for a shampoo style 3.5 weeks later. Can you tell the difference? Mariah always used the professional brands we recommend because she can see the difference in the vibrancy and longevity of her hair.

Poor color maintenance is the number one reason why people are disappointed with their hair color. clients can leave the salon with this beautiful bright color and 3 weeks later it's faded out and unsaturated. There are different elements that play into why your hair color changes so fast; especially after a color treatment.

#1 SHAMPOO: Many drugstore shampoo brands carry sulfates or sodium dodecyl sulfate; an ingredient that will damage your hair. Why is sulfate bad for hair? Well, sulfates are an abrasive meant to deep-clean your scalp; not your hair. Once the sulfates do their magic, the natural oils the keep your hair moisturized and protected are scraped; leaving the new color susceptible to harsh waters & chemicals. This causes the fading. A good solution for this problem is to buy what your personal stylist recommends for professional grade shampoo and conditioner. Many clients believe that all shampoo's and conditioners are the same. They are not! Talk with your stylist and ask questions so we can help you pick out the right products to keep your hair looking beautiful.

#2 TEMPERATURE: Your water temperature makes a huge difference in your hair color longevity. Hot water will open your hairs cuticle where the color is resting, causing that color to rinse out. Cool water will close your hairs cuticle and allows your color to stay within the hair folicle, just like a skin pore. Using lukewarm or cool water whenever your hair is submerged in water will keep your hairs cuticle closed as well and will result in your color not going down the drain!

#3 HARD WATER: You probably have hard water and don't know it. Hard water contains harsh minerals that build up in your hair causing dryness, dullness, and unfortunately for blondes, brassiness. Those minerals can also have a very bad reaction when being introduced to chemicals found in hair color. This reaction can alter the colors outcome, cause the hair to heat up and steam and in severe cases, break off. A good solution to hard water is to find a professional clarifying shampoo to help remove build up or installing a portable water softener to your shower head to filter those harsh minerals out.

I love helping my clients keep their hair looking beautiful. If you enjoy these tips, drop a comment on what you'd like me to touch on next! If you're interested in booking a session, call/text 715-491-0433 or book online at!
White Pine Salon & Spa

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Alex MartinezHair Tips